The Beginning
Discover Lifestyle Balance
Hi all and thanks for stopping by!
I’m so excited to make this a place for everyone to feel welcome and to build a strong community surrounding wellness and general life balance. The more I have focused on balancing my life, I have been able to unlock so many parts of myself that I didn’t even know were there. As COVID-19 took over the world and changed everyone’s lives, I lost the gym space I was working out of, along with every other trainer out there. Throughout the lockdown I worked with clients via Zoom to build my skill and grow the business I have always dreamed of. This has been the goal for past couple of years, however COVID really kicked everything into high gear for me if I wanted to continue working and building my career. Along came the idea of Tula. Meaning balance in Sanskrit, Tula is the concept of discovering your path of lifestyle balance to live your best life.
What is lifestyle balance?
There is no perfect answer, as everyone is different. Each person has their individual priorities, needs, and levels of health, so the balance will shift based on the individual. My goal is to help you find your personal lifestyle balance that will allow you to feel fulfilled in all areas of your life.
I firmly believe that practicing balance postures through yoga or other physical activities does help obtain a more powerful brain-body connection. The more awareness you have, the more you will realize how much you are truly capable of. Just like with general fitness, you need to make it something that you practice frequently. Balancing does present a level of fear for some, so go at your own pace and start where you feel comfortable, with a very slight challenge. You will want to increase the challenge as you become more comfortable.
Things to consider that effect physical balance: practice, nutrition, general strength, breath control, rest, body awareness, body control and mindfulness.
What in your life needs balancing? Would you enjoy feeling stronger and steadier? Are you struggling with weight loss or finding out how to reach your goals? When working together, we will focus on how to balance everything out in a way that will help you progress further towards your goals.
Are you in need of a change, but not exactly sure what the change needs to be? Reaching out is a good way to get a better understanding about the direction that you need to head in.
Tula is here in hopes of helping others navigate their way to a happier, healthier life. Stay tuned for many more tips and tricks to keep yourself feeling balanced.
Much love!