Measuring Progression
How do you measure progression?
Everyone can measure this differently based on their mind, body, and experience. Everybody has road blocks, what matters most is how you push through in order to keep reaching your goals. Sure, it may be frustrating to try something for a long time and not get it, but it’s not worth rushing it if you could hurt yourself. With patience, practice and determination you will be able to achieve the goals you set your mind to.
That being said, we all have things in our life that get in the way of reaching our goals, so how to we navigate these points of difficulty?
One thing to remember is to be patient and practice! If your goal is weight loss, you know the weight did not show up overnight, so it won’t disappear overnight. You need to work at this consistently in order to achieve results. Decide how important the goal is to you and what you are willing to do to achieve that goal. Why do you need or want to achieve this and why are you willing to go to the distance you are saying to get there?
Be honest with yourself and ask for help. Many people struggle with nutrition, fitness, and stress management. If you are coming up with excuses to why you did or did not do something, I would encourage you to really examine that and understand why. The more we can understand the more we can improve the habit and turn it into something more positive. If you don’t understand why you aren’t achieve the results you want even with this examination, a health coach may be able to help you. The more honest you are with your coach the more successful you can be.
Remember, everyone started somewhere, and we are each on our own path of growth. It can be really hard to not compare yourself to someone else for various reason. If you are watching someone that is much further progressed than you, they probably have been doing it for longer than you or have put in more hours than you have. Whatever the reason, it is okay that you are at a different level than someone else.
Finally, let the journey come naturally. The more you force it, the less genuine and smooth it will feel. This may mean checking in on mental stress about how you feel you are supposed to be, rather than focusing on what is. The more stressed you are, certainly does not help, so mental health is extremely important. In the picture below, you can see that I am working on a handstand. This is a goal that I have been working on for a while, however still need to put in some more time. Just because I don’t have it yet doesn’t mean I won’t get it. The more I focus on letting the pose come naturally, the stronger it feels!
Where ever your progression is and whatever your working towards, you are enough and you deserve to be happy by taking care of yourself and what you want out of life.